Saturday, October 15, 2005

"Second Pentecost" Coming

As you know, God has already poured out His Holy Spirit for all believers on the day of Pentecost in AD 30, fulfilling the prediction of Joel 2.28-31. However, when Christ returns, God will pour out His Holy Spirit again, this time particularly upon Israel, or as Zechariah 12.10 puts it, "on the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem." Ezekiel also speaks of this second outpouring in Eze 36.25-27. While the first outpouring (Joel) was an outpouring for empowering, this "Second Pentecost" will be an outpouring for repentance, cleansing and obedience in Israel. In the power of the Holy Spirit, Israel will begin to flesh out the promise to Abram: "all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." That promise has already been fulfilled in Christ, but subsequent to Christ’s return, Israel will walk it out as faithful representatives of Messiah.


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